A Thrill on Wheels
Cycle Tour around Sarangkot
For the cycling enthusiast with very little time at disposal, a short one and half hour mountain bike tour
around Sarangkot would be ideal. From the lodge bike down to The Sarangkot View tower and return.
Your accompanying guide will fill your tour with interesting stories and carry water. He will also offer
you Local Tea one of Khaja Ghar
Price – 10 USD Per Person
Note: Taxes as applicable- 10% service charge & 13% vat
Cycling Tour to Kaskikote
A mountain bike tour to Kaskikot is suggested for the cycle enthusiasts. We bike down to the base of the
hill where the Kot is located. We park our bikes and walk up to the hill. After spending our time we walk
back to the base from where we cycle back to the Lodge
Your accompanying guide will fill your day with interesting stories and carry water, Packed Lunch & any
other necessities
Price – 45 USD Per Person
Note: Taxes as applicable- 10% service charge & 13% vat